Friday, May 11, 2007

Catch and Release

Hmmm, my first post on the blog. Let's hope it's not something wordy, over-analytical, and, no, this is not the New York Times. Moving on...

Anyway, I'm the tran -- er, Will and I thought I'd kick off the posting with my thoughts on a recent release, Susannah Grant's Catch and Release.

From the trailers, one might think that this is a typical romantic comedy, but I came to find that there's a lot more to it. Centered around the aftermath of one man's death, this film allows us ample time getting to know the main characters of the play that was his life - his fiancée (Jennifer Garner) and his closest friends (Timothy Olyphant, Sam Jaeger, Kevin Smith). We've got several scenes here that are simply the other characters reminiscing about the man, all of which is definitely very good and very heartfelt material. The main caveat, however, comes in the form of a subplot concerning the relationship between Garner and Olyphant. Olyphant is definitely a good actor, most notably in Doug Liman's underrated Go, but here he's just a jackass (and seems to be aware of it) and their relationship - especially the beginnings of it - is wholly unbelievable. Their scenes alone together were fairly dreadful. One thing that surprised me here was Juliette Lewis, who has a good (and appropriately limited) role as a woman who claims to be the mother of the departed's son. All that said, the absolute top reason to see this film is Kevin Smith, who is nothing short of fantastic. Anyone who's ever seen one of his Q&A sessions or even a short interview will be familiar with the man's crude, talkative style and he brings all of that to his character here. In fact, he definitely deserves some recognition for this come Oscar time. Overall, Catch and Release is a case of the pros outweighing the cons. With some minor reworking, it could've been better, but as it is, it's a nice, sweet, often touching movie that anyone (even the guys) should dig.

Final Grade: B


Arlo J. Wiley said...

Not that you're biased.

W. said...

Of course not, my friend.

But only in a world in which Kevin Smith isn't my owner and commander...

Arlo J. Wiley said...

They should have a "KEVIN SMITH IS MY MASTER" shirt to go along with the Joss Whedon one.

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